Sunday, 13 November 2016

John Kim, Co-Chairman of Syncis - Motivational Tips To Inspire Success

As a business leader, John Kim, who is the Co-Chairman of Syncis, is often tasked with motivating his colleagues to help them achieve the success that they are capable of. However, Associates at Syncis are also considered independent contractors and will need to be able to motivate themselves, in addition to relying on the help they receive from the organization. If this is an area where you struggle, these pointers should help.

Develop Good Habits
Your daily habits will often define the path you take through your career so you need to develop habits that allow you to work directly towards career success. Simple habits, such as ensuring you get enough sleep, being on time for appointments and trying to find the positive in all situations, can change your mindset and leave you feeling motivated.

Be Open-Minded
Every opportunity you find yourself is a chance to learn something new that you can apply to your work. This is important to remember as there will be times when you are faced with situations that you don’t want to deal with. Don’t be afraid of failure and try to learn something from every new experience.

Define Your Path
It is often hard to maintain your motivation if you don’t have defined goals in mind. Take some time to decide what you want to achieve in life and the milestones you must reach to realize those ambitions. Make your goals tangible and try to ensure everything you do in life takes you a step closer to them. Rewards yourself when you reach a milestone to keep your motivation high.

John Kim Syncis is the Co-Chairman of Syncis and a successful financial services professional.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

John Kim, Co-Chairman of Syncis - Common Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make

John Kim is an entrepreneur who has experienced great career success because he has been willing to take risks and bet on himself. He is the Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Syncis, which is an insurance marketing company that specializes in life insurance and related products. Fellow entrepreneurs need to be aware that there are many pitfalls that can trip them up on their paths to success, so they should try to avoid the following common mistakes.

Focusing Solely On The Service

While the quality of service that you provide to clients is absolutely crucial to your organization’s success, it is not the only thing you need to consider when starting a business. The less glamorous side of things, such as accounting and business administration, also needs to be taken into account if you are to achieve your goals.

Poor Communication

Entrepreneurs need to demonstrate passion in everything they do, both to attract business partners and investors and to ensure those they work with stay motivated to strive for something better. If they are unable to demonstrate their passion when communicating it is unlikely that people will believe in their goals, which can result in a number of problems.

Poor Leadership

As an entrepreneur, John Kim, who is the Co-Chairman of Syncis, focuses on mentoring his colleagues to help them achieve everything they wish for from their careers. Entrepreneurs must exhibit leadership qualities and be capable of helping those they work with make the improvements needed to achieve success in their endeavors.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

John Kim, Co-Chairman of Syncis - Useful Time Management Tips For The Workplace

When John Kim co-founded Syncis in 2009, he did so with the aim of facilitating the recruitment and mentoring of people who were looking to start second careers in the financial services. Many of the people who become Associates of the company do so while working in other roles simultaneously, which makes effective time management crucial to their success. This is an area where a lot of people struggle, so try to keep these handy pointers in mind if you want to make the most of the time you have available at work.

Keep A Schedule
If you don’t keep a schedule you will find that your work is often unfocused and you waste a lot of time trying to figure out what you should be doing next. You should wake up each day with a solid plan of action that details that tasks you have to complete and the amount of time you can dedicate to each of them. Your schedule should also include a little bit of spare time, as this will allow you to be flexible enough to take on emergency tasks or add a little more time onto a job that needs completing. 

Make Use of Deadlines
A realistic deadline will motivate you to buckle down in your work to get the job done. Whenever you schedule a task in your diary you should try to settle a time for when it needs to be completed. This helps you to avoid procrastinating and also gives you something tangible to work towards.

Eliminate Distractions
It’s likely you have been in a situation where you have been trying to focus on work, only for a conversation with a colleague to start that ends up lasting more time than intended. The issue of distractions is even more difficult for those who are starting careers and people who are working from home, as they need to make the most out of all the time they have available to them. If you absolutely have to get a task completed, you need to shut yourself off from the world. Close your door, turn your phone off and stop checking emails. Do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Always Question Yourself
It can be too easy to get caught up in the mundane work that doesn’t really serve a purpose other than to occupy your time. Before you start a task you should question yourself and consider how important what you’re doing actually is in terms of how it will help you achieve your career goals. If you don’t think what you are currently doing is the best possible, use of your time you need to stop and find something that serves a more direct purpose.

John Kim Syncis is the Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of Syncis.

Monday, 10 October 2016

John Kim, Co-Chairman of Syncis - Ways To Improve As A Professional

Syncis, which is an insurance marketing organization that was co-founded by John Kim, has achieved so much success since it was formed in 2009 because the company focuses on helping its Associates develop the skills they need to achieve their goals. Professional development is crucial in all industries, as it allows people to develop the skills they need to move forward in their careers. However, it is an issue that many struggle with, particularly those who may not be granted the opportunities that they would like in their careers. In such cases you need to take your development into your own hands by doing the following.

Maximize Your Time

The way you use the time available to you is going to prove crucial in your development as a professional. This starts with your daily schedule, so try to get into a routine of waking up early enough to be able to get to work in good time, while also going to sleep at a time that will afford you as much rest as you need. When it comes to your working life, you should learn how to prioritize your tasks and schedule them accordingly. Do not procrastinate on the little things, as these will build up over time, and consider what you can learn from each task you complete.

Develop Communication Skills

Your ability to communicate is something you should start working on from the moment you begin your career. Whether it is speaking to colleagues, clients, stakeholders or senior management, you need to be able to get your points across clearly and concisely. If this is an area where you struggle you should spend some of your spare time working on it. Consider speaking into a mirror so you can catch any body language that betrays nervousness and try spending a little time writing each evening to develop your written communication skills.

Say Yes To Education

If you are offered any educational opportunities you should jump at them as quickly as possible, even if you don’t think what you will learn will be relevant to your current position. Learning new skills is crucial for advancement in the workplace, plus the desire to develop demonstrates initiative. This will help you to get noticed by the key decision makers in the company, which may lead to even more opportunities coming your way.

Find A Mentor

John Kim and the team at Syncis encourage experienced Associates to act as mentors for those who are new to the organization. If you wish to develop quickly you should try to find somebody who has more experience and is willing to get invested in your work. The best mentors can offer advice when things get tough and will go to bat for you in meetings.

Monday, 5 September 2016

John Kim Syncis - The Importance of Time Management

John Kim of Syncis is a successful businessman with several years’ experience in the financial services industry. He entered the financial service industry after the 1994 Northridge earthquake damaged his warehouse. As a business professional, he has had tremendous success with sales teams in the financial services industry. Building a business from scratch requires hard work, dedication, and time management. Here are a few reasons why time management is important.

You Become More Efficient
Proper time management can help you become more efficient in what you do. This does not mean that you have to cut corners and decrease quality, but it means that you learn to do things quicker so that you have more time on your hands for other things. The key is in learning to work smarter and not harder.

Stay Calm and in Control
Learning to manage time will help you stay calm and in control, and reduce the amount of stress you feel in the workplace. Running a business means that there will always be things to be done, but by managing your time, you will have sufficient time to get the most important things done without wasting your time on distractions.

Develop Essential Qualities
Managing your time efficiently will help you develop essential skills that work with the qualities you have. You will find that you develop patience, self-discipline, persistence, and how to be assertive. Time management will help you develop your awareness of time, and help you stay focused in what you do.

John Kim Syncis, Co-Founder of Syncis knows the importance of properly managing time as a business entrepreneur.


Thursday, 25 August 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Planning for a Secure Financial Future

John Kim established Syncis in partnership with Les Schlais in 2009 with the aim of bringing together individuals, families, small business owners, and some of the biggest insurance and financial service providers in the United States to make financial services and products more accessible to middle-income families. Here are some tips you can use to plan for a secure financial future.

Saving for Retirement
In order to start saving for retirement, you might want to start reading a book or exploring a couple of financial websites to get an idea what you can do. You do not have to be an expert, but you most certainly need to have a basic understanding of the various options you have. Having a general idea of what options are available will help you decide how you can save for retirement.

Other Sources of Income
Having other sources of income when you retire is a good thing because it will enable you to live comfortably. Social Security, revenue from other investments, and a part-time job are some options you might want to consider.

John Kim of Syncis knows the importance of planning for retirement if you want to live comfortably.


Friday, 19 August 2016

John Kim of Syncis - How to Become an Effective Mentor

John Kim, Co-Chairman of Syncis, an independent insurance marketing organization was born in South Korea and grew up under difficult financial circumstances. He migrated to the United States in 1984 and studied psychology at the Monterrey Institute of International Studies in Monterrey, California.

John Kim co-founded Syncis in 2009 but had actually entered the financial services industry in 1997. He spent ten years building a successful sales organization and received many titles, recognition, and awards for his work. During those ten years, he built a strong client base and mentored several individuals who went on to become six-figure earners. Here are a couple of tips on how to become an effective mentor.

Develop the Relationship
The first step in becoming an effective mentor is to develop and build the relationship. This means that you have to access your readiness and interest in mentoring someone, choosing someone to mentor and taking the time to build the relationship with that person. It takes time to build a relationship, which means you have to work to build the trust with the person you are mentoring. You will also need to set goals and keep your mentoring relationship on track.

As a mentor, you will need to create opportunities or open doors where you can allow your mentee to develop his skills and gain valuable exposure. Create new opportunities for him and connect him with other people in your network. In other words, you need to create and provide the platform where your mentee can grow.

Monitor the Environment
An effective mentor will keep a watchful eye on the things around the mentee, looking for both positive opportunities and negative or threatening situations. You should be on the lookout for any rumors, adversarial positions and other situations that could threaten the mentee and help him or her safely navigate their way through the situation.

Counseling and Guidance
Mentoring a person means that you make yourself available to counsel and guide your mentee. As you build the relationship you will need to be a personal advisor and confidant to the person you mentor. You will have to help your mentee understand how to find alternative solutions to deal with problems. If your mentee has poor behavioral problems, you will need to work to help him overcome those issues so that he can fit into any organizational culture.

Every mentor enjoys the fact that they can teach and impart knowledge to those they are mentoring. Teaching means that they impart knowledge, share their experiences, and recommend assignments for the mentee. It gives the mentee the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned.

John Kim Syncis mentored several individuals prior to co-founding Syncis in 2009.


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Life Insurance – Who Needs it

John Kim is the Co-Chairman of Syncis, an independent marketing organization committed to helping individuals, families, and business owners understand the basic financial concepts. He started working in the financial services industry in 1997 and spent the next decade building a successful sales organization. Over the years, he has received several awards, titles, and recognition for his work in sales. He has also mentored several individuals who went on to become six-figure earners.

John Kim Syncis and the Associates of Syncis have helped several thousands of families understand basic financial concepts, and have collectively put over $1 billion worth of financial protection in place for small businesses, and families across the United States. He has assisted several clients in understanding the importance of life insurance. Here’s what life insurance is all about and who needs it.

Life Insurance
Life insurance is a financial vehicle that protects individuals, families, and businesses from financial loss associated with the untimely death of a family member or employee. It is also a financial tool you can use for retirement planning. It helps individuals and families of various income brackets maintain financial independence during times of financial hardship. There are several types of life insurances available today, they are; term, whole life, universal and variable.

Who Needs Life Insurance
If you are one among the following groups, you need life insurance.

  • Married Couples – Some married couples tend to think about life insurance only when they have children. However, this is not true. In the untimely death of your spouse, with a life insurance policy, you will be able to cover expenses and pay off debts. Some insurance companies will not issue policies for pregnant women, so you might want to take a life insurance policy as soon as possible. Married couples with children can greatly benefit by purchasing life insurance policies. Again, in the unfortunate event of the death of your spouse, you will not be left wondering how to pay for the children’s college tuition and other expenses. A life insurance policy helps families plan for the future.
  • Single Parent – As a single parent, the burden of providing for yourself and your children lie on your shoulders, and it is not an easy task. For a single parent, a life insurance policy acts as a safeguard for your children’s financial future. 
  • Retirees – If you are retired, depending on the size of your estate and after estate tax payments, your heirs could end up seeing about 45 percent go to the taxman. However, with a life insurance policy, your heirs will receive the proceeds immediately thereby allowing them to take care of any outstanding debts and pay for taxes, and funeral charges. 

In general life insurance proceeds are tax-free and will not be added to your estate tax liability if it is properly structured. John Kim of Syncis is committed to making financial products and services more accessible to middle-income families in the United States.


Tuesday, 12 July 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Annuities 101

John Kim is the Co-Chairman of Syncis, and through his organization, he has helped thousands to better understand financial basics like 401k plans, taxes and annuities. Though most know something about 401k plans and taxes, those who have not begun managing their finances often view annuities as a mystery whose knowledge is reserved for savvy professionals. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The points below can help you gain a basic understanding of annuities:

Overview – An annuity refers to a tax-deferred vehicle that is sold by insurance companies. It grows over time, and when you retire, you trigger the annuity, receiving income from it.

Fixed Annuities – A fixed annuity means that you contribute an amount to an insurance company and the company then has say over how it is invested. When you trigger the income, you receive a fixed dollar amount dictated by your initial payout option upon creation. You have many payout options, and your agent will be able to explain them to you in detail.

Variable Annuities – Variable annuities allow you to contribute an amount to an insurance company and choose how it will be invested from available options.

Equity-Indexed Annuities – Equity-indexed annuities are a type of fixed annuity. These annuities will track the performance of investments and provide interest crediting.

The information above isn’t all you need to know, but learning more is easy. Either do some digging online or simply reach out to one of John Kim Syncis many Syncis associates to have the concept explained during a pressure-free consultation.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

John Kim of Syncis - How to Renovate Your Finances

When John Kim co-founded Syncis, he and his partner sought to renovate the financial services industry by means of providing friendly, pressure-free aid to middle-income families and business people. Today, as a result of his hard work with Syncis, thousands are able to improve their financial situations, securing better futures. If your finances are lacking, you might need to employ methods like those listed below to get your future back on track…
  • Make a Cushion — A cash cushion, or an emergency fund, is necessary if you wish to reach financial security. It isn’t enough to just have a thousand dollars in your savings account before you begin investing or otherwise spending your extra income. Ideally, you should have enough saved to support you for several months if you become unemployed. This will ensure that you have reserves to pull on when you need to, and that you can otherwise confidently place your money into whatever assets you would like.
  • Live on Less — Reducing your living costs will allow you to save and invest more, improving your overall life. Whether it’s eliminating your usual coffee shop visits or taking a staycation instead of a pricey vacation, efforts to live on less almost always pay off. Examine all of your expenses to get an idea of where you can cut back, and then do it. Don’t forget that you can, for example, renegotiate your car insurance rate or switch to a budget phone plan.
Fixing your finances alone is never easy, and that’s why professionals like John Kim’s Syncis associates offer consultations to all who need a place to start. Unless you’re a pro yourself, you might benefit from such a meeting.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Building A Successful Organization

John Kim of Syncis got into the financial services industry because of an act of God. In 1994 he was operating a successful auto parts business in the Los Angeles area when the region was hit by a 6.7 earthquake.

That event, the infamous Northridge earthquake, caused widespread damage throughout the San Fernando Valley, a densely populated area northwest of downtown L.A. Fifty-seven people lost their lives in the quake, and property damage was extensive; as it turned out, the Northridge earthquake was the costliest in U.S. history.

All told, damages were estimated at more than twenty billion dollars. That included the damage done to John Kim’s parts warehouse; most of the company’s inventory was lost. Then things went from bad to worse: “Did not know at the time that insurance coverage was not adequate and that damaged inventory would eventually shut down the business,” he recalls.

Forced to start over from scratch, John Kim of Syncis had to find and pursue other opportunities. Before long he was introduced to the financial services industry, and began to study it closely to see if he could make a go of it. “Spent the next two years studying for securities exams and obtaining licenses to provide financial services.”

He found work in financial services in 1997, and for the next ten years built a large and successful sales organization. His team was good enough to win many awards and other recognition. Along the way he accumulated thousands of clients and began mentoring others, who went on to become six figure earners.

In spite of his financial success, John Kim of Syncis grew dissatisfied with the way large financial service organizations operated, so he left to establish a new business. “Syncis was established in 2009 in partnership with Les Schlais,” John Kim says today. It has grown into one of the top financial marketing organizations in the United States, making financial products and services more accessible to middle-income families.

What sets Syncis apart from other financial services companies is the commitment to helping individuals, families and business owners understand basic financial concepts. Their goal from the start, John Kim says, “was to create a business that was focused on establishing a relationship with clients and fostering understanding before anything else. This background is the reason why Syncis associates are encouraged to never sell anything or close a deal before meeting with the individuals/families multiple times. This process is meant to make sure they trust the representative and understand the products.” This commitment is reflected in the company’s motto: “strengthening families with trust and understanding.”

Syncis associates, says John Kim Syncis, understand that many of their clients are overwhelmed by the complexity of financial service products. That is why they are encouraged not to sell anything when they first meet with a new client. That way, the client is able to make his or her own assessment of their own situation and make an informed decision, without any sales pressure.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Essential Financial Concepts

John Kim, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Syncis, is a seasoned financial professional who has helped to enrich the lives of others through his company for several years. Though the pros are financially savvy, most people do not have a thorough understanding of essential monetary concepts. Even if it doesn’t seem important to you now, understanding concepts like those below will help you secure a solid future…

Risk tolerance is the concept of your comfort with the inevitable ups and downs of the financial market. There’s a rollercoaster cycle that causes the market to swing from high to low and back again, and if you allow those swings to stress you, you have a low risk tolerance. It isn’t all emotions, though; risk tolerance also refers to how much time you have to invest, your uninvested assets and your income potential. Most banks provide tools to help you get an understanding of your risk tolerance, or you can get a more personal assessment by speaking with a professional. 

Asset allocation refers to where the majority of your money is located or invested. The ideal asset allocation varies by individual needs such as necessary liquidity, goal timing and earning potential. As a topic decided largely by opinion, it is difficult to find one solid view of the best asset allocation for your situation. 

Diversification goes hand-in-hand with asset allocation. The goal of diversifying your money is to prevent disaster if one branch of your net worth plummets. It keeps your financial standing balanced, and it prevents too much risk from accumulating. Regular diversification isn’t all good, as it sometimes means selling well-performing assets, but it is considered a must-do by most investors. 

Interest is often used in a negative context, referring to the percentage that a lender charges a borrower for the duration of an outstanding balance. When used in a positive context, though, it refers to your money working for you. For example, when you put money in your savings account, you’re allowing your bank to borrow your money, and as such, the bank pays you a small dividend each month based on the amount saved. If you are in debt, the interest you accrue while you pay back the money is almost always more than the interest that you would gain from investing. It is for this reason that financial advisors often recommend debt repayment before you begin investing your funds. 

Whether you work with John Kim’s Syncis associates or you educate yourself, if you’re lacking in financial knowledge, now is the time to amend that. The better you understand your money, the more it can work for you (and the less you’ll have to work throughout your lifetime.)

Thursday, 28 April 2016

John Kim of Syncis - How to Manage Your Own Business

John Kim Syncis is a financial professional and successful entrepreneur who is currently serving as the Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of Syncis. Syncis is a fully independent marketing organization that is committed to catering to the needs of the middle class. They serve middle-level income families, small businesses, and individuals by bringing them together with major insurance and financial institutions so that they can get the services they need. Syncis specializes in the sale and distribution of life insurance and other related products so that people can have the opportunity to protect what they care about the most.

John Kim has been operating and managing Syncis successfully since it was founded in 2009. He understands what it takes to manage a business in a competitive market, and he continues to enhance the success of his company as the years go on. Here are some useful tips for other professionals looking to do the same with their businesses.

The first thing you need to do is commit to organization. Operating a business, no matter what industry you’re currently working in, requires a great deal of preliminary paperwork, and other matters that may have nothing to do with the service you actually provide, but with the legitimacy of your business in the first place. Organize all your important materials so you can refer back to them later.

In addition to being organized, make sure you continue looking for ways to grow and expand. No business can be successfully by trying to stay exactly the way they are; you have to be ambitious and take risks every now and then. However, be smart, and try to take on too much at once.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

John Kim of Syncis - How to Operate a Successful Business

John Kim is the current Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of the independent marketing organization known as Syncis. Syncis is a company that caters to the needs of the middle class rather than ignoring them like most major financial organizations. They bring middle-level income families, small businesses, and individuals together with some of these major organizations in order to distribute services like life insurance and other related products. The company was founded in 2009 because John and his partner believed that the way the industry was operating needed to change; Syncis has since become one of the most successful financial marketing organizations in the industry.

John Kim of Syncis isn’t just a financial professional; he is also a successful entrepreneur. Not only is he operating his business that way it needs to be operated, but he was able to create the company from the ground up as well. Entrepreneurs are always looking for was to increase the success of their businesses, and here are some great ways.

The first thing you need to do to run a successful business is to have a projected plan for the future. A business model or plan is extremely important, especially at the beginning stages of your company, because it shows people you’re serious about what you do, and it allows you to have realistic goals to strive for.

In addition to having a business model, you also have to find the right people for the job. When you start your own business, it’s easy to get caught up in the freedom of running your own company. However, you don’t want to staff your business with just your friends.

Friday, 15 April 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Tips For Entrepreneurs Looking to Run Their Business Successfully

John Kim is the current Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of the independent marketing organization known as Syncis. He has been extremely successful within the financial industry, and he believes he can help people in need protect the things that they care about the most. At Syncis, they specialize in the distribution and sale of products like life insurance and other related services, and they do it by catering to the needs of the middle class. The company was founded in 2009 because the founders realized that the needs of the middle class were largely being ignored. However, since their foundation, they have quickly become one of the most successful financial marketing organizations in the industry, and they did it by being different from most of the competition in the financial field.

John Kim of Syncis has been working in the financial industry for several years, and he has learned what it takes to operate a business in such a competitive market. He is a natural entrepreneur, and he is able to identify a lucrative business opportunity when it presents itself. He saw a large demographic being ignored by major financial organizations, which allowed him to take control of the market. He’s even been able to write a book titled The Foundation of Success, which details his philosophies regarding the financial and business world in general. Here are some tips for entrepreneurs looking to enhance the success of their businesses.

The first thing you need to do as an entrepreneur is your research. This a major step in the road to operating a successful business, and it will allow you to see what aspects of your target market that you can take advantage of. Some business owners don’t do enough research in their market, which leaves them vulnerable to the competition. Do your research, and make sure that you know what it will take to operate your business successfully for the long-term future. You will also be able to see what your competition is doing well, and what they need improvement in.

In addition to doing your research to enhance the success of your business, make sure you focus on the customer above all else. The customer is the most important aspect to your business, and what they want from you is what you should provide. Taking note of your customers’ wants and needs will allow you to adapt when it comes to the services you provide. Nothing stays the same, and people want different things at different times; make sure you pay attention to the changes and trends in the industry so you can anticipate client expectations.

John Kim Syncis believes that the keys to being a successful entrepreneur are focusing on the customer, and doing your research; if you know what your customers want, then you will be successful.

Monday, 4 April 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Tips for Remaining Stable Financially

John Kim is a financial professional who has had a great deal of success as the Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of Syncis. Syncis is a financial marketing organization that is fully independent, and they cater to the needs of the middle class. He founded the company with his partner, Les Schlais, in 2009 when they realized that the largest demographic in the United States was basically being ignored by major financial and insurance organizations. They work with these major organizations in order to bring them together with their middle-level income family, individual, and small business clients. They also focus their company on the education of their clientele; this way, they have the ability to make their own decisions, and don’t need to worry about being roped into a deal.

John Kim of Syncis has been working in the financial industry for a number of years, and he is a natural professional leader. In addition to his career success, he has also written a book titled The Foundation of Success, which details his philosophies regarding business. He understands the importance of working toward the security of your financial future, and having a career in the field has given him a great deal of insight into the best ways to remain stable financially. Here are some tips for people looking to enhance their financial stability. 

The first thing you want to do in order to enhance your financial stability is to spend less than you make. This may seem like an obvious fact to detail, but in this day and age, it is easy to get caught up in the ease of technology. A lot of people find themselves in credit card debt simply because they didn’t think to check the status of their bank accounts. Make sure you know exactly what you make after living expenses, and try to save when you can.

In addition to spending less than you make in order to enhance your financial stability, make sure you look for opportunities to rise professionally. Ambition is a good thing, and it will help you achieve success along your career path, and it will also help you remain financially stable. The more you earn, the more you can spend, and the more you can save. Always be looking for professional opportunities that come with better benefits, better pay, and therefore, more savings.

Lastly, make sure you make wise choices with your income and savings. Make sure you are putting money aside for the future because smart decisions today can even bring in more money through large returns in the future. However, make sure you get some expert advice about how to take care of your money so that you can rest assured that you’ll at least break even. Also, start small and work your way up to larger opportunities as you become better equipped.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Tips For Financial Professionals

While the associates at Syncis are dedicated to providing sound financial information to clients, John Kim and his colleagues also aim to offer a wide range of different products. However, John Kim does not believe that the techniques that many financial professionals use are viable for their business model and offers the following suggestions for people who want to sell the right way.

Listen to the Client
You should never start a conversation with a client by telling them what you think they want. Instead, let them tell you what they are looking for, thus opening up a discourse that will allow you to consider the solutions that would be best suited to them. Furthermore, by listening to the client you engage them in a conversation, which makes them more willing to listen to what you have to say in return.

Have Plenty of Knowledge
As a financial professional, you are expected to be an expert in whatever field you work in. If you aren’t able to convince a client that you know what you are talking about, they are going to have no reason to trust you and will thus be far less likely to buy any products from you.

Don’t Use Pressure
John Kim Syncis has always promoted a zero pressure sales technique ever since Syncis opened its doors and he believes that this is the best way to help clients find what they want. Instead of focusing on whatever sale will make you the most money, try to help the customer get what they need, which may result in further business and good word of mouth that will help your company in the long run.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Tips For Sticking To A Budget

Sticking to a budget can often be difficult for people who have not had to do it before, which is why John Kim and the team at Syncis aim to provide all of the information that they can to help people who are struggling to keep their finances in order. If you know you need to start a nest egg, all of the following should help.

Write Down Your Goals

It is often not enough to decide that you need to put aside some money each month. Instead, it is a good idea to write a plan that takes your current expenditures into account, allowing you to trim the fat and save money on non-essentials. To ensure you stay motivated enough to do this, jot down your goals, be it an amount of money you wish to save or something that you aim to purchase with the money you put aside.

Pay Off High Interest Debts

You may have built up a number of different debts during the course of your life, with high interest debts being a massive burden on your finances. As such, it is a good idea to do what you can to clear these as quickly as possible, ensuring that you don’t pay as much interest while also allowing you to start saving more money once the debt is cleared.

Track Your Spending

John Kim often recommends that clients start keeping more in-depth financial records, which includes tracking their spending. The team at Syncis point out that there are a number of mobile apps available that will let you track receipts, so make use of every tool at your disposal to stay on top of the little expenditures that all add up at the end of the month.

Monday, 22 February 2016

In addition to providing a wide range of financial solutions to its clients, Syncis also conducts a mentorship program that helps people from all walks of life attain the skills that they need in order to become successful financial professionals. As one of the mentors for this program, John Kim understands the various traits that a mentor must possess in order to impart all of the knowledge that students need in order to realize the potential that they have.

Communication Skills

As a mentor, you will often be asked to explain issues that less experienced professionals are having trouble with. In some cases, you may also need to explain these complex areas in language that can be easily understood by the person that you are mentoring. This means that you need to work on your communication skills, allowing you to discover the best ways to give voice to the knowledge that you have, allowing your students to learn more efficiently in the process.


One of the key traits that a student will look for in a mentor is their experience. Few students are going to trust the word of a mentor who can’t demonstrate that the information they provide is actually usable in the real world, so you need to consider what you tell students carefully and try to link each snippet of information with a real world experience that will allow them to see exactly how your teachings can be used to help them attain success if their own.

A Personable Nature

During the course of your time as a mentor you will end up developing a lot of relationships with people who come to rely on you for the information that you can offer. This can often be stressful for those who don’t consider themselves particularly social or people who struggle with forming personal relationships. As such, a good mentor must be personable and positive at all times, as this makes their students more willing to place trust in them and the information they provide.

A Thirst For Knowledge

John Kim Syncis and the other mentors at Syncis will not rest on their laurels just because they are now in a position where they can teach other people and they feel that it is important to point out that a good mentor maintains a constant thirst for knowledge. You should have the desire to constantly research new developments in your field, not only to improve the quality of information that you give to those people who look to you for guidance, but also so that you can provide a better quality of service to your own clients. Furthermore, by showing your willingness to keep learning, you will encourage good habits in your students that they will take into their own careers.

Monday, 15 February 2016

John Kim of Syncisn - Helpful Financial Tips

During his time as one of the leaders of Syncis, John Kim has found that many middle-income families struggle with long term financial goals because they have not been able to find the information that will help them make the process less frustrating. Proper preparation requires discipline and the right tools, so here are some handy pointers that will help those who are looking to save towards their futures but have no idea where to start.
  • Create a Budget
Before you can make any decisions about what you can do with your money, you need to sit down and create a budget that will give you a better idea of how much you are bringing in and where that money is currently going. Gather all of your receipts and pay slips, using them to separate your expenditures into essentials and luxuries. With that information to hand, deduct the essential purchase from your household income to come up with a figure that represents that “spare” money that you have each month. You can then start planning what you want to do with this money in terms of what you save and what you spend on the little luxuries in life.

  • Reduce Debt
Many households struggle with debt in some way or another, whether it is a credit card bill or outstanding loan that needs to be paid. Once you have an understanding of the monthly income your household receives, you can start to look into paying some of this debt off at a faster rate if you have the budget to do so. This will help you save money in the long run as making larger payments will cut down on the amount of interest that you have to pay on the debt. While it may sting a little in the short term, you will find that you are eventually left with a chunk of money that would otherwise have otherwise gone to pay interest.

  • Start Preparing For The Future
A lot of people underestimate the importance of preparing financially for their retirement and other large expenses at an early age, which often leaves them in difficult financial straits later on in life when they are trying to create a nest egg as quickly as possible. John Kim often explains that people need to prepare for their retirement as soon as their budget allows them to start putting aside money every month, rather than waiting until they get closer to retirement age. The solutions offered through Syncis often enable people to secure their financial future.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs

John Kim Syncis is a successful entrepreneur who founded and runs Syncis, a large financial management organization based in the United States. Though he came from a background of poverty, John Kim did not stop pursuing his dreams until he found success with Syncis. This manner of dedication, even through hardship, is a common trait of successful entrepreneurs. One of the most common ways that entrepreneurs stay dedicated is with goal setting techniques like these:
  • Start small. When you’re setting entrepreneurial goals, start with small and attainable steps. Don’t aim to make thousands your first month, for example, but aim to make thousands in your first year. As a rule, if you’re not sure of how you’ll achieve a goal, it needs to be broken down into smaller ones.
  • Dream big. Think about where you would ultimately like to see your company and use it as motivation while your endeavor is growing. For example, if you’re a physical trainer, and you hope to one-day own a gym, dream about your gym and how you would like it to serve your customers; make this your driving force as a fitness professional.
  • Find your balance. When you’re dreaming big and following small steps, you must find a balance that keeps you motivated and realistic at the same time. It helps many entrepreneurs to remind themselves of the adage that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Look at each small step as being a little bit closer to your big dreams.
In addition to goal-setting, reading business books and studying entrepreneurship in your free time can also help you reach your goals. Following his success with Syncis, John Kim Syncis wrote his own business book called “The Foundation of Success,” which may be a helpful motivational tool.

Saturday, 30 January 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Paying Off Credit Card Debt

John Kim, co-chairman of Syncis, is a successful businessman who made a name for himself despite his background of poverty. Many Americans who are suffering from the state of the economy are familiar with living in poverty and, as a result of their financial standings, they find themselves in debt. Though credit cards might seem useful when you’re short on cash, the best way to improve your financial standing is to pay off your debt as quickly as possible. The steps below will help you to a debt-free life faster than you imagined possible:
  • Examine your interest rates. Look at each of your credit cards and their interest rates. Order the interest rates from high to low. This is the order that will be most beneficial to pay off your credit cards in, starting with the highest.
  • Pay off the first card. After cutting all unnecessary expenses from your budget, put as much extra money as possible toward the first card each month. Continue this until you’ve paid it off.
  • Start on the next card. Take the money you were putting toward your first card and add it to the payments of the second card. Repeat this until you’ve paid off all of the cards, snowballing your payments higher with each card.
  • Avoid future debt. After paying off your credit cards, either close the accounts or cut up the cards, and don’t accept any new debt to your name.
Once you’ve paid off your credit cards, you will be free of those monthly bills and you’ll have more money to work with each month. This takes you one step closer to living a life like John Kim’s, and if you’d like, with an organization like Syncis.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - The Importance of Life Insura...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - The Importance of Life Insura...: John Kim, who is in a position of leadership at the insurance marketing organization called Syncis, is dedicated to helping individuals in ...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - The Importance of Life Insura...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - The Importance of Life Insura...: John Kim Syncis , who is in a position of leadership at the insurance marketing organization called Syncis, is dedicated to helping indiv...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - Devoted to Helping Individual...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - Devoted to Helping Individual...: John Kim is the current co-founder of Syncis, which is an insurance marketing organization devoted to helping individuals prepare for thei...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - Why You Should Prepare for Re...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - Why You Should Prepare for Re...: John Kim, one of the co-founders of Syncis, is a financial professional who is dedicated to helping people prepare for their futures. Syn...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - About Personal Finance and Pr...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - About Personal Finance and Pr...: John Kim, a South Korean native and a successful United States businessman, founded Syncis in 2009. Syncis is a financial marketing organiz...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - How to Make Your Days More Pr...

John Kim Syncis: John Kim of Syncis - How to Make Your Days More Pr...: John Kim, co-chairman of Syncis, is a productive businessman who has worked hard to earn his position as a respected financial professiona...

Monday, 18 January 2016

John Kim of Syncis - How to Make Your Days More Productive

John Kim, co-chairman of Syncis, is a productive businessman who has worked hard to earn his position as a respected financial professional in the United States. If you aspire to become a successful businessperson too, there’s more to it than managing your finances and setting long-term goals. Successful businesspersons typically share common traits, and one of the most common shared traits is productivity. Without productivity, John Kim would have never found the time to launch Syncis, for example. If your days aren’t as productive as you’d like them to be, the following tips might help you fit more in:
  • Organize your day around your body’s rhythms. Different people are productive during different times of the day. If you notice that you’re more productive in the evening, you’re only wasting time if you try to work in the morning. Use your unproductive hours to complete basic tasks and to relax, and then dedicate your productive hours to tasks that require full mental focus. By crafting your day around your body’s rhythms, you’ll also be prompted to create a schedule, which will further increase your productivity.
  • Take breaks. Schedule 5-minute breaks once or twice per hour to keep your mind sharp. These break periods can allow you to stretch, get coffee, chat with a friend or take care of small tasks like cleaning.
  • Do small tasks as they arise. If a 5-minute task pops up, don’t just write it down, do it. Productive people don’t put things off out of convenience. Instead, they look at an easy task as something to tackle as soon as possible. If, in doing a small task, you take a scheduled 5-minute break, all the better.
  • Keep a notebook. Busy people tend to have busy brains, but carrying a notebook will allow you to write thoughts down as they arise, preventing distraction. For example, if you realize halfway through the day that you’d like to look something up about one of your hobbies, make a note of it, but don’t do it. While handling small tasks immediately is a positive trait, there’s a difference between tasks and distractions. Save your distractions in your notebook to indulge in during free time.
  • Get up earlier. Regardless of when your waking hours are, begin getting out of bed 30 to 60 minutes earlier than usual. This will give you extra time in your day and, in conquering your desire to stay in bed for longer, you’ll strengthen your willpower for other tasks.  
As you work on your productivity, you will find what works best for you. John Kim Syncis did not launch Syncis by following pre-determined steps – he founded it by forging his own path. Modify your approach toward productivity as you learn and keep working toward your dreams.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

John Kim of Syncis - About Personal Finance and Preparing For Your Financial Future

John Kim, a South Korean native and a successful United States businessman, founded Syncis in 2009. Syncis is a financial marketing organization that brings families, small business owners, individuals and some of the largest American insurance companies together. As an established financial professional, John Kim founded Syncis because he and a fellow businessman were upset with how middle-income families are often treated by financial institutions. They hope that Syncis will revolutionize how the financial industry functions.

As part of the services Syncis offers to the public, John Kim and other Syncis associates educate families so that they can make informed personal finance decisions. Managing your personal finances is an essential skill that will help you budget, save and distribute your funds. Planning is the key component of personal finance and it is a dynamic process that requires frequent reevaluation.

The first step of planning is assessing your personal monetary situation by listing all personal income and expenses to determine your current fiscal position. The second step is goal setting, during which you make a combination of short-term and long-term goals. These goals might range from retirement age and net worth to purchases in the next two months. The third step is creating a plan to detail the process of accomplishing your financial goals. The fourth step is execution, during which you must exercise discipline to achieve your financial goals. The fifth and final step is monitoring and readjusting the plan every few months to keep it current with your personal financial situation.

The six areas of personal finance focus are typically defined as follows. The first area is financial position, and it is determined by the planning step mentioned earlier. The second area is adequate protection, and it is the implementation of insurance to safeguard your assets from unforeseen issues. The third area is tax planning, and it is typically managed by a tax professional. The fourth area is investment and monetary accumulation, and it is a plan for how to acquire a considerable amount of wealth for large purchases. The fifth area is retirement planning, and it is the process of understanding how much you must save to retire comfortably. The sixth and final step is estate planning, and it involves deciding how to distribute your assets after death.

When people begin managing their personal finances, they will often begin with planning and then, after they are following a plan, they will consider the full six-area scope. Preparing for your financial future requires patience, discipline, forethought and more. Those who do not feel comfortable managing personal finances themselves often rely on professionals to walk them through the process.

Though personal finance is typically no mystery to high-income families, middle- and low-income families are often in the dark about monitoring their monetary situation. John Kim hopes that, through Syncis, he can help change this and create a better situation for families everywhere.For More Information Visit at :-