Wednesday, 22 June 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Building A Successful Organization

John Kim of Syncis got into the financial services industry because of an act of God. In 1994 he was operating a successful auto parts business in the Los Angeles area when the region was hit by a 6.7 earthquake.

That event, the infamous Northridge earthquake, caused widespread damage throughout the San Fernando Valley, a densely populated area northwest of downtown L.A. Fifty-seven people lost their lives in the quake, and property damage was extensive; as it turned out, the Northridge earthquake was the costliest in U.S. history.

All told, damages were estimated at more than twenty billion dollars. That included the damage done to John Kim’s parts warehouse; most of the company’s inventory was lost. Then things went from bad to worse: “Did not know at the time that insurance coverage was not adequate and that damaged inventory would eventually shut down the business,” he recalls.

Forced to start over from scratch, John Kim of Syncis had to find and pursue other opportunities. Before long he was introduced to the financial services industry, and began to study it closely to see if he could make a go of it. “Spent the next two years studying for securities exams and obtaining licenses to provide financial services.”

He found work in financial services in 1997, and for the next ten years built a large and successful sales organization. His team was good enough to win many awards and other recognition. Along the way he accumulated thousands of clients and began mentoring others, who went on to become six figure earners.

In spite of his financial success, John Kim of Syncis grew dissatisfied with the way large financial service organizations operated, so he left to establish a new business. “Syncis was established in 2009 in partnership with Les Schlais,” John Kim says today. It has grown into one of the top financial marketing organizations in the United States, making financial products and services more accessible to middle-income families.

What sets Syncis apart from other financial services companies is the commitment to helping individuals, families and business owners understand basic financial concepts. Their goal from the start, John Kim says, “was to create a business that was focused on establishing a relationship with clients and fostering understanding before anything else. This background is the reason why Syncis associates are encouraged to never sell anything or close a deal before meeting with the individuals/families multiple times. This process is meant to make sure they trust the representative and understand the products.” This commitment is reflected in the company’s motto: “strengthening families with trust and understanding.”

Syncis associates, says John Kim Syncis, understand that many of their clients are overwhelmed by the complexity of financial service products. That is why they are encouraged not to sell anything when they first meet with a new client. That way, the client is able to make his or her own assessment of their own situation and make an informed decision, without any sales pressure.