Thursday, 30 June 2016

John Kim of Syncis - How to Renovate Your Finances

When John Kim co-founded Syncis, he and his partner sought to renovate the financial services industry by means of providing friendly, pressure-free aid to middle-income families and business people. Today, as a result of his hard work with Syncis, thousands are able to improve their financial situations, securing better futures. If your finances are lacking, you might need to employ methods like those listed below to get your future back on track…
  • Make a Cushion — A cash cushion, or an emergency fund, is necessary if you wish to reach financial security. It isn’t enough to just have a thousand dollars in your savings account before you begin investing or otherwise spending your extra income. Ideally, you should have enough saved to support you for several months if you become unemployed. This will ensure that you have reserves to pull on when you need to, and that you can otherwise confidently place your money into whatever assets you would like.
  • Live on Less — Reducing your living costs will allow you to save and invest more, improving your overall life. Whether it’s eliminating your usual coffee shop visits or taking a staycation instead of a pricey vacation, efforts to live on less almost always pay off. Examine all of your expenses to get an idea of where you can cut back, and then do it. Don’t forget that you can, for example, renegotiate your car insurance rate or switch to a budget phone plan.
Fixing your finances alone is never easy, and that’s why professionals like John Kim’s Syncis associates offer consultations to all who need a place to start. Unless you’re a pro yourself, you might benefit from such a meeting.