Thursday, 25 August 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Planning for a Secure Financial Future

John Kim established Syncis in partnership with Les Schlais in 2009 with the aim of bringing together individuals, families, small business owners, and some of the biggest insurance and financial service providers in the United States to make financial services and products more accessible to middle-income families. Here are some tips you can use to plan for a secure financial future.

Saving for Retirement
In order to start saving for retirement, you might want to start reading a book or exploring a couple of financial websites to get an idea what you can do. You do not have to be an expert, but you most certainly need to have a basic understanding of the various options you have. Having a general idea of what options are available will help you decide how you can save for retirement.

Other Sources of Income
Having other sources of income when you retire is a good thing because it will enable you to live comfortably. Social Security, revenue from other investments, and a part-time job are some options you might want to consider.

John Kim of Syncis knows the importance of planning for retirement if you want to live comfortably.
