Thursday, 25 August 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Planning for a Secure Financial Future

John Kim established Syncis in partnership with Les Schlais in 2009 with the aim of bringing together individuals, families, small business owners, and some of the biggest insurance and financial service providers in the United States to make financial services and products more accessible to middle-income families. Here are some tips you can use to plan for a secure financial future.

Saving for Retirement
In order to start saving for retirement, you might want to start reading a book or exploring a couple of financial websites to get an idea what you can do. You do not have to be an expert, but you most certainly need to have a basic understanding of the various options you have. Having a general idea of what options are available will help you decide how you can save for retirement.

Other Sources of Income
Having other sources of income when you retire is a good thing because it will enable you to live comfortably. Social Security, revenue from other investments, and a part-time job are some options you might want to consider.

John Kim of Syncis knows the importance of planning for retirement if you want to live comfortably.


Friday, 19 August 2016

John Kim of Syncis - How to Become an Effective Mentor

John Kim, Co-Chairman of Syncis, an independent insurance marketing organization was born in South Korea and grew up under difficult financial circumstances. He migrated to the United States in 1984 and studied psychology at the Monterrey Institute of International Studies in Monterrey, California.

John Kim co-founded Syncis in 2009 but had actually entered the financial services industry in 1997. He spent ten years building a successful sales organization and received many titles, recognition, and awards for his work. During those ten years, he built a strong client base and mentored several individuals who went on to become six-figure earners. Here are a couple of tips on how to become an effective mentor.

Develop the Relationship
The first step in becoming an effective mentor is to develop and build the relationship. This means that you have to access your readiness and interest in mentoring someone, choosing someone to mentor and taking the time to build the relationship with that person. It takes time to build a relationship, which means you have to work to build the trust with the person you are mentoring. You will also need to set goals and keep your mentoring relationship on track.

As a mentor, you will need to create opportunities or open doors where you can allow your mentee to develop his skills and gain valuable exposure. Create new opportunities for him and connect him with other people in your network. In other words, you need to create and provide the platform where your mentee can grow.

Monitor the Environment
An effective mentor will keep a watchful eye on the things around the mentee, looking for both positive opportunities and negative or threatening situations. You should be on the lookout for any rumors, adversarial positions and other situations that could threaten the mentee and help him or her safely navigate their way through the situation.

Counseling and Guidance
Mentoring a person means that you make yourself available to counsel and guide your mentee. As you build the relationship you will need to be a personal advisor and confidant to the person you mentor. You will have to help your mentee understand how to find alternative solutions to deal with problems. If your mentee has poor behavioral problems, you will need to work to help him overcome those issues so that he can fit into any organizational culture.

Every mentor enjoys the fact that they can teach and impart knowledge to those they are mentoring. Teaching means that they impart knowledge, share their experiences, and recommend assignments for the mentee. It gives the mentee the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned.

John Kim Syncis mentored several individuals prior to co-founding Syncis in 2009.


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Life Insurance – Who Needs it

John Kim is the Co-Chairman of Syncis, an independent marketing organization committed to helping individuals, families, and business owners understand the basic financial concepts. He started working in the financial services industry in 1997 and spent the next decade building a successful sales organization. Over the years, he has received several awards, titles, and recognition for his work in sales. He has also mentored several individuals who went on to become six-figure earners.

John Kim Syncis and the Associates of Syncis have helped several thousands of families understand basic financial concepts, and have collectively put over $1 billion worth of financial protection in place for small businesses, and families across the United States. He has assisted several clients in understanding the importance of life insurance. Here’s what life insurance is all about and who needs it.

Life Insurance
Life insurance is a financial vehicle that protects individuals, families, and businesses from financial loss associated with the untimely death of a family member or employee. It is also a financial tool you can use for retirement planning. It helps individuals and families of various income brackets maintain financial independence during times of financial hardship. There are several types of life insurances available today, they are; term, whole life, universal and variable.

Who Needs Life Insurance
If you are one among the following groups, you need life insurance.

  • Married Couples – Some married couples tend to think about life insurance only when they have children. However, this is not true. In the untimely death of your spouse, with a life insurance policy, you will be able to cover expenses and pay off debts. Some insurance companies will not issue policies for pregnant women, so you might want to take a life insurance policy as soon as possible. Married couples with children can greatly benefit by purchasing life insurance policies. Again, in the unfortunate event of the death of your spouse, you will not be left wondering how to pay for the children’s college tuition and other expenses. A life insurance policy helps families plan for the future.
  • Single Parent – As a single parent, the burden of providing for yourself and your children lie on your shoulders, and it is not an easy task. For a single parent, a life insurance policy acts as a safeguard for your children’s financial future. 
  • Retirees – If you are retired, depending on the size of your estate and after estate tax payments, your heirs could end up seeing about 45 percent go to the taxman. However, with a life insurance policy, your heirs will receive the proceeds immediately thereby allowing them to take care of any outstanding debts and pay for taxes, and funeral charges. 

In general life insurance proceeds are tax-free and will not be added to your estate tax liability if it is properly structured. John Kim of Syncis is committed to making financial products and services more accessible to middle-income families in the United States.
