Thursday, 25 February 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Tips For Sticking To A Budget

Sticking to a budget can often be difficult for people who have not had to do it before, which is why John Kim and the team at Syncis aim to provide all of the information that they can to help people who are struggling to keep their finances in order. If you know you need to start a nest egg, all of the following should help.

Write Down Your Goals

It is often not enough to decide that you need to put aside some money each month. Instead, it is a good idea to write a plan that takes your current expenditures into account, allowing you to trim the fat and save money on non-essentials. To ensure you stay motivated enough to do this, jot down your goals, be it an amount of money you wish to save or something that you aim to purchase with the money you put aside.

Pay Off High Interest Debts

You may have built up a number of different debts during the course of your life, with high interest debts being a massive burden on your finances. As such, it is a good idea to do what you can to clear these as quickly as possible, ensuring that you don’t pay as much interest while also allowing you to start saving more money once the debt is cleared.

Track Your Spending

John Kim often recommends that clients start keeping more in-depth financial records, which includes tracking their spending. The team at Syncis point out that there are a number of mobile apps available that will let you track receipts, so make use of every tool at your disposal to stay on top of the little expenditures that all add up at the end of the month.

Monday, 22 February 2016

In addition to providing a wide range of financial solutions to its clients, Syncis also conducts a mentorship program that helps people from all walks of life attain the skills that they need in order to become successful financial professionals. As one of the mentors for this program, John Kim understands the various traits that a mentor must possess in order to impart all of the knowledge that students need in order to realize the potential that they have.

Communication Skills

As a mentor, you will often be asked to explain issues that less experienced professionals are having trouble with. In some cases, you may also need to explain these complex areas in language that can be easily understood by the person that you are mentoring. This means that you need to work on your communication skills, allowing you to discover the best ways to give voice to the knowledge that you have, allowing your students to learn more efficiently in the process.


One of the key traits that a student will look for in a mentor is their experience. Few students are going to trust the word of a mentor who can’t demonstrate that the information they provide is actually usable in the real world, so you need to consider what you tell students carefully and try to link each snippet of information with a real world experience that will allow them to see exactly how your teachings can be used to help them attain success if their own.

A Personable Nature

During the course of your time as a mentor you will end up developing a lot of relationships with people who come to rely on you for the information that you can offer. This can often be stressful for those who don’t consider themselves particularly social or people who struggle with forming personal relationships. As such, a good mentor must be personable and positive at all times, as this makes their students more willing to place trust in them and the information they provide.

A Thirst For Knowledge

John Kim Syncis and the other mentors at Syncis will not rest on their laurels just because they are now in a position where they can teach other people and they feel that it is important to point out that a good mentor maintains a constant thirst for knowledge. You should have the desire to constantly research new developments in your field, not only to improve the quality of information that you give to those people who look to you for guidance, but also so that you can provide a better quality of service to your own clients. Furthermore, by showing your willingness to keep learning, you will encourage good habits in your students that they will take into their own careers.

Monday, 15 February 2016

John Kim of Syncisn - Helpful Financial Tips

During his time as one of the leaders of Syncis, John Kim has found that many middle-income families struggle with long term financial goals because they have not been able to find the information that will help them make the process less frustrating. Proper preparation requires discipline and the right tools, so here are some handy pointers that will help those who are looking to save towards their futures but have no idea where to start.
  • Create a Budget
Before you can make any decisions about what you can do with your money, you need to sit down and create a budget that will give you a better idea of how much you are bringing in and where that money is currently going. Gather all of your receipts and pay slips, using them to separate your expenditures into essentials and luxuries. With that information to hand, deduct the essential purchase from your household income to come up with a figure that represents that “spare” money that you have each month. You can then start planning what you want to do with this money in terms of what you save and what you spend on the little luxuries in life.

  • Reduce Debt
Many households struggle with debt in some way or another, whether it is a credit card bill or outstanding loan that needs to be paid. Once you have an understanding of the monthly income your household receives, you can start to look into paying some of this debt off at a faster rate if you have the budget to do so. This will help you save money in the long run as making larger payments will cut down on the amount of interest that you have to pay on the debt. While it may sting a little in the short term, you will find that you are eventually left with a chunk of money that would otherwise have otherwise gone to pay interest.

  • Start Preparing For The Future
A lot of people underestimate the importance of preparing financially for their retirement and other large expenses at an early age, which often leaves them in difficult financial straits later on in life when they are trying to create a nest egg as quickly as possible. John Kim often explains that people need to prepare for their retirement as soon as their budget allows them to start putting aside money every month, rather than waiting until they get closer to retirement age. The solutions offered through Syncis often enable people to secure their financial future.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

John Kim of Syncis - Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs

John Kim Syncis is a successful entrepreneur who founded and runs Syncis, a large financial management organization based in the United States. Though he came from a background of poverty, John Kim did not stop pursuing his dreams until he found success with Syncis. This manner of dedication, even through hardship, is a common trait of successful entrepreneurs. One of the most common ways that entrepreneurs stay dedicated is with goal setting techniques like these:
  • Start small. When you’re setting entrepreneurial goals, start with small and attainable steps. Don’t aim to make thousands your first month, for example, but aim to make thousands in your first year. As a rule, if you’re not sure of how you’ll achieve a goal, it needs to be broken down into smaller ones.
  • Dream big. Think about where you would ultimately like to see your company and use it as motivation while your endeavor is growing. For example, if you’re a physical trainer, and you hope to one-day own a gym, dream about your gym and how you would like it to serve your customers; make this your driving force as a fitness professional.
  • Find your balance. When you’re dreaming big and following small steps, you must find a balance that keeps you motivated and realistic at the same time. It helps many entrepreneurs to remind themselves of the adage that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Look at each small step as being a little bit closer to your big dreams.
In addition to goal-setting, reading business books and studying entrepreneurship in your free time can also help you reach your goals. Following his success with Syncis, John Kim Syncis wrote his own business book called “The Foundation of Success,” which may be a helpful motivational tool.